How long does the flight from San Francisco to New Delhi take?
The shortest flight from San Francisco to New Delhi takes around 16 hours 15 minutes to cover the distance of 12382 kilometers.
Which direct flight route between San Francisco to New Delhi is cheapest?
The only airlines offering SFO to DEL flights is Air India which suggests it is the cheapest as well. However, the flight prices fluctuates over time and the rates also depends on various other factors like the day of booking, time of booking and how much in advance do you book the flights. To get the cheapest deals, we would suggest you to book at least 3-4 weeks before the travel date.
Can I book a direct flight from San Francisco to New Delhi?
Yes, you can book direct flights from San Francisco to New Delhi at IndianEagle. We offer cheap airfare deals for SFO to DEL flights when booking at least a month in advance. You can book the tickets online or call our travel agents for any assistance.
What is the cheapest time to fly from San Francisco to New Delhi?
If you are planning a trip from San Francisco to New Delhi, the cheapest time to fly is during the month of September.
Which airlines offer direct flights from San Francisco to New Delhi?
At present, Air India and United Airlines offer direct flights from San Francisco to New Delhi.
How can I travel from the New Delhi airport to the city center?
There are different transportation options available from the New Delhi airport. You can use the Airport Express Line by the Delhi Metro, which connects the airport to the New Delhi Railway Station. There's also a regular shuttle bus service that is available. You can also hire a taxi or book a cab to reach your destination.
What's the cheapest day of the week to fly from San Francisco to New Delhi?
The cheapest day of the week to fly from San Francisco to New Delhi is Wednesday, while Sunday is the most expensive one.
Do airlines from San Francisco to New Delhi offer sleeping areas?
Yes, many airlines flying from SFO to Delhi offer sleeping spaces to their passengers. But this facility is available on a pay per use basis only.
Can I carry food on my San Francisco to New Delhi flight?
Many airlines provide food to their passengers, which may be included in the ticket orsometimes paid during the flight. If you want to carry your own food on your San Francisco toNew Delhi flight, you will have to enquire with the concerned airline's authorities.
Will I be served alcohol on a San Francisco to New Delhi flight?
As travel from San Francisco to New Delhi is international, you might be served alcoholduring your flight.
Is there a web check-in option available for my flight from San Francisco to New Delhi?
Yes, flyers do get a web check-in option for their flight from San Francisco to New Delhithrough online web check-in or airport check-in.